Security Assessments

Security can take many forms and therefore be compromised in a number of different ways. Data encryption, data retention, Off-site backups, User and Group Role Definitions, Physical Plant Security, 3rd Parties (Vendors, Credit Card Processors, …) all present unique challenges to protect.

In its simplest form, security comes down to defining the answers to a few simple questions:

  • Who is authorized for the asset?
  • Who has access to the asset? And what permissions do they have to interact with the asset?
  • Is there a timeliness to the security around the asset?

Ran Davis Software utilizes many time-proven templates to audit your organization in a detailed and deliberate fashion. The result is a very detailed and fully encompassing security audit of your companies hard and soft assets.

Frequently our clients will engage us to develop solutions that will prevent any security threats that have been documented in our reports.

Custom Application Development * Technology Assessments * Security Assessments * Staffing Solutions * Virtual CTO/CIO Services